" Better Than a Unit"
FOR RENT: Well presented lower duplex with courtyard..
FEATURES: 2 good sized bedrooms with built in robes, modern kitchen includes gas cooking with ample cupboard & bench space, sparkling bathroom with internal laundry facilities, open plan living & dining area with easy care tiled floors throughout.
PARKING: On-Street Only.
5 minute walk to Brookvale Oval/Brookvale Hotel 7 minute drive to Westfield Warringah Mall 10 minute drive to Surrounding Beaches Such as Dee Why, Curl Curl & Freshwater 10 minute drive to Northern Beaches Hospital
Simply click on the 'Book Inspection' button to see available viewing times - if the times aren't suitable.
register your interest and we will do our best to schedule another viewing time that suits.
PLEASE NOTE** it is important that you register to inspect our properties, so we are able to advise you of time changes, cancellations and price reductions.
Disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of the information contained in this marketing, Doyle Spillane Real Estate will not be held liable for any errors in typing or information. All interested parties should rely upon their own enquiries to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.
Property Features
- Toilets 1
- Hot Water Service
- Fully Fenced
- Outdoor Entertaining Area
- Built In Wardrobes
- Courtyard