7 best indoor plants for your bathroom

Bringing greenery in the bathroom in the form of indoor plants purifies the air, softens the lines of hard surfaces and provides a welcome burst of nature in a space that is often wanting of texture and warmth. 

But not all indoor plants thrive in humid rooms that don't receive a lot of sunlight. If you want to include an indoor plant or two in your bathroom, these seven plants will work best. 

1. Zanzibar plant

Possibly the easiest plant to grow indoors, the hardy Zanzibar Gem will tolerate low light, so doesn't even need to sit near your bathroom window.

2. Zygocactus

Schlumbergera bridgesii is hard to say but easy to look at. Zygocactus look lovely all year round draping down from a window or high shelf and will even give a lovely burst of colour in autumn and winter when flowering. Take care not to put them in a place where they'll be knocked as the stems tend to break easily.

3. Phalaenopsis orchid

Another lover of indirect sunlight, an orchid loves a high humidity environment so does well in a bathroom with only a little natural light. Very low maintenance, orchids virtually thrive on neglect. Sit one on your vanity for a touch of elegance or group a few together in a rustic container. Keep the roots damp but not wet.

4. Boston fern

In terms of hanging plants, this is a low-maintenance wonder! Perfect in every kind of pot - from a hanging basket to a large pot stand - this feathery fern drapes beautifully and is one of the best plants to bring into your humid bathroom, as it loves a little misting and needs minimal care. Try an oversized specimen in a small bathroom for maximum va-va-voom!

5. Peace lily

Another indoor plant that's practically impossible to kill, the peace lily thrives in indirect light and, due to its generous wide leaves, works hard at air-purifying whilst looking lush and fabulous. The ultimate chameleon, the peace lily is equally at home potted in a blue and white chinoiserie ceramic pot or as part of a display of other tropical plants.

6.  Japanese maple

Not strictly indoors, this is a terrific way to get the best of both worlds - growing a plant outdoors, yet enjoying it from inside the bathroom. This floor-to-ceiling glass window allows the timber, tree and textures into the bathroom whilst it basks in the bright light of sunshine in a secluded courtyard.

7. Peperomia

Lovely for a little texture and colour, peperomia is easy to grow indoors, depending on the light levels. Away from direct sunlight, they fare well, though don't like to be too wet so work best in a well-ventilated bathroom. Choose foliages in darker greens and even reds to mix up the colour display in your bathroom.

Other examples to bring into your bathroom space are Sansevieria (aka snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue), air plants and spider plants.

Posted on Monday, 26 April 2021
by Melanie Murace in Latest News

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