5 steps to creating more storage space in your home

Some people’s homes were not built with adequate storage options in the first place while those with growing families have simply accumulated a lot of ‘stuff’.

1. Get rid of unecessary possesions

If your home is bursting at the seams with possessions, your first task is to make sure what you have truly fits into your current life, if not, it’s time to let it go. There may well be some good quality items you’ll be getting rid of but remember there are people who need these things more than you do, especially after the year that was 2020.

Go deep with this. Consider every corner of each room. If you have multiple items out on display, ask yourself: Are these items still significant to you or could letting them go create more space to grow?

Clearing out unnecessary clutter not only opens up more space, it will also help you to relax in a less hectic environment – and we all need that in 2021.

2. Organise what you are keeping 

Messy, disorganised homes not only look terrible but they can also bring your mood down. Once you have thrown out or donated the items you no longer need, sort out the things you are keeping to create a tidier, and more peaceful, home.

Put like items together, de-tangle jumbled electrical cords and vacuum and dust the room well. Tidy as you go and you’ll be surprised by how much more room you’ll find.

3. Look up to find unused space

In most homes, there is often wonderful empty space up high that could be used as storage space.

Consider building shelving across the perimeter of your room close to the ceiling. The bedroom is a great area to store less frequently used items such as hats, out-of-season clothing, bags and shoes.

Vertical storage in the bathroom could be used for items like spare toilet rolls and bath products while extra shelving in the kitchen could store rarely-used cookware. Anything you don’t use on a daily basis can be stored up high and out of the way.

4. Find unused space down low

What’s under your bed? What’s behind your bedhead? What are you sitting on? There are so many ways to be creative with this kind of unused space in your home.

If your bed is on the ground, consider bed risers to create storage space under your bed. There are many other pieces of furniture that could provide double-duty storage such as ottomans, coffee tables and benches. If you’re really tight on space, replace some furniture with pieces that can also store away some of those Christmas decorations you just can’t part with.

5. Reframe your thinking 

If you’ve become accustomed to saying you don’t have enough storage space in your home, it may be time to confront the truth.

You only have the space you have but you can change the amount of ‘stuff’ you have. So, if you keep saying you don’t have enough storage space then try to look at it from that angle.

Adopting that mindset will help prevent the accumulation of unnecessary items. It could also keep you from doing casual shopping, which only adds to the clutter.

SOURCE: realestate.com

Posted on Tuesday, 14 June 2022
in Top Tips

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