Controlling Mould in Your Home: Understanding the Causes and Effective Solutions

Mould growth in homes can be a significant concern, not only for the appearance and odour it brings but also for the potential health risks it poses. Understanding the main causes of mould and implementing effective solutions is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. In this blog post, we will explore the primary causes of mould in homes and provide practical tips to help you control and prevent its growth.

Main Causes of Mould in the Home:

Mould requires specific conditions to thrive, and the following factors contribute to its growth:

1. Water Ingress and Home Maintenance Issues:

Poorly maintained homes often have water ingress problems, such as leaky roofs, pipes, or plumbing fixtures. Excess moisture from these sources creates an ideal environment for mould growth. Ensuring proper home maintenance and promptly addressing any water ingress issues is essential in preventing mould formation.

2. Weather and Environmental Conditions:

Weather patterns, particularly those with high humidity, severe weather events, and extended periods of rain, can contribute to increased mould presence indoors. During wet weather, mould may appear on belongings, furniture, and other hard surfaces. Proper management of these conditions is necessary to minimise the growth of mould.

3. Providing a Food Source for Mould:

Mould requires nutrients from moisture and organic matter to survive and grow. Two common sources include:

   a. Internal Condensation: Condensation due to lifestyle activities, such as cooking, showering, and drying clothes indoors, can lead to excess moisture in the home. Proper ventilation and lifestyle adjustments are key to reducing condensation and preventing mould growth.

   b. Organic Matter: Dust, dirt, and decaying organic matter serve as food sources for mould. Regular cleaning and dusting of all surfaces help eliminate these potential food sources and reduce the likelihood of mould germination.

Effective Solutions for Mould Control:

To control and prevent mould growth, it is important to address the contributing factors. Here are some practical tips:

1. Ventilation:

Proper airflow is crucial for controlling moisture levels in your home. Cross ventilation is effective in drying out the living space. Open windows and/or doors between 10 am and 2 pm on dry days to allow air to flow through the home. However, avoid over-ventilating, as this can increase internal moisture levels. Decluttering to allow airflow and using sash windows for correct cross ventilation are also recommended.

2. Cleaning:

Regular cleaning and sanitising of all surfaces help eliminate organic matter and reduce the likelihood of mould growth. Pay attention to areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and laundries, and ensure thorough drying after use.

3. Indoor Plants:

Indoor plants can contribute to mould growth due to damp soil and decaying organic matter. Minimize the number of plants and regularly inspect and maintain their cleanliness to prevent the spread of mould spores.

4. Minimising Excess Internal Dampness:

Identify and address moisture factors that contribute to excess internal dampness, such as condensation from showers, clothes dryers, or gas heating. Proper ventilation, use of exhaust fans, and utilizing dry heating methods can help reduce internal moisture levels.


Mould growth in homes can be managed effectively by understanding the causes and implementing simple lifestyle adjustments. By addressing water ingress issues, managing weather conditions, providing proper ventilation, keeping the home clean, and minimising excess internal dampness, you can control and prevent mould growth. If mould issues persist, seeking professional assistance and a thorough inspection is recommended. Remember, a little extra effort in maintaining a drier living environment can go a long way in safeguarding your home from mould-related problems.

Posted on Monday, 22 May 2023
in Landlords Monthly Update

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