How Compact Living is Shaping Australia's Future

Remember when owning a big house with a sprawling backyard was the ultimate dream? Well, in today’s world, that dream might be evolving.

As cities continue to grow and change, the great Australian dream of a large home with a big yard is becoming harder to achieve. Shrinking block sizes, rising housing costs, and a shift toward apartment living are reshaping the landscape of homeownership. By 2057, detached houses in Sydney are predicted to make up just 25% of dwellings — a significant drop from 55% in 2016. Meanwhile, apartments are expected to rise from 30% to 50%.

But maybe it’s time to rethink that traditional dream. Urban design expert Mike Day notes that many Australians have already accepted that large homes with sprawling yards aren’t always practical. Soaring land and construction costs are pushing us toward more compact living, and this shift calls for a fresh perspective on how we design our spaces.

Professor Billie Giles-Corti from RMIT University suggests that while we may have to scale back on private blocks, the future of healthy, sustainable communities lies in thoughtful, compact developments. Imagine neighborhoods with more greenery, local amenities, and walkable spaces — vibrant places where we can stroll to shops, enjoy public parks, and reduce our dependence on cars.

But what if you still want a little green oasis in your life? According to Sydney garden designer Katherine Land, it’s absolutely possible — even in smaller spaces like balconies or courtyards. The secret lies in choosing the right plants for your environment. Katherine advises focusing on horticultural compatibility: for instance, avoid placing tropical plants in direct sunlight and seek professional advice to create a lush, thriving garden tailored to your space.

So, whether you’re looking for a new home or just a new space to call your own, Doyle Spillane Real Estate is here to help you navigate this changing landscape. 


Posted on Monday, 24 February 2025
by Claire Protas in Latest News


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