Taking care – Outside the property


Water restrictions

It is important for you to be aware of what water restrictions are in place for the region. For up to date water restriction information please log onto www.sydneywater.com.au.

Watering Your Garden and Water Restrictions

Watering your lawns and gardens must be done within watering restrictions; however we insist that watering is conducted to the maximum allowed by the restrictions in place. What we do not want is watering not done at all because of a wrong belief that a total watering ban is in place. Watering is still required unless the current water restriction has banned all forms of watering.

Watering Systems

Please ensure that all watering systems are working properly, and are checked regularly throughout the tenancy to ensure they continue to work effectively. Watering systems can only be used should current water restrictions allow.

Weeding and Shurb Trimming

Weeding of garden beds, lawns, paths, paving and other outside areas are the responsibility of the tenant. Trimming of bushes and shrubs in and around the garden are also the responsibility of the tenant.

Lawn Maintenance

Please ensure that lawns are regularly mowed and edged, keeping them neat and tidy. Should you wish to have someone regularly mow your lawn, let us know and we would be more than happy to recommend a service to you. This is at the tenant cost.

Supplied Hoses/Fittings

Supplied hoses, fittings and accessories must be kept in good condition and please ensure that everything is returned and in place upon vacating of the property, free of any damage.


Please ensure any rubbish is regularly removed from the property. This includes car parts, tyres and things like lawn clippings, drink bottles as well as other items that can easily be considered rubbish or general junk.

Formal household rubbish and waste must only be placed inside rubbish containers (i.e. wheelie bins) and removed weekly from the property, or otherwise as required. This cannot be allowed to accumulate.

Please log onto https://www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/services/rubbish-and-recycling 

Oil Drippage

Any cars parked on driveways, under carports and garages must have a drip tray placed underneath. Only if the vehicle does not drip any oil at all is a drip tray not required. Please also note that any visitor’s cars must be parked off the premises if they drip oil. Should oil drippage occur at any time, this must be cleaned up immediately to prevent oil seeping in and permanently staining. Please note any permanent staining will result in compensation being charged to the tenant.

Parking on Lawns/Gardens

It is important that at no time can cars of any type or vehicle be parked on lawns, gardens or any area not created for, or designed as a vehicle parking area. Damage to lawns and landscaping can be costly. Engine oil to gardens and lawns will also create permanent damage to the soil area, being costly to rectify. Any damage of this type will be charged to tenants in full.

Please do not park on lawns or garden areas. Also oil stains are difficult to remove from driveways. Prevention is always better than costly cleaning and repairing lawns and gardens!

Swimming Pools and Outdoor Spa

If the property you are renting has a swimming pool and spa please pay attention to the following.

Pool/Spa Cleaning

Pool/spa cleaning and maintenance, unless it is agreed that the landlord will be supplying a regular cleaning and maintenance service as per your tenancy agreement, this will be a tenant responsibility.

Please note that if regular cleaning does not occur by the tenant, high costs can be incurred to bring it back to its original clean state. If this occurs, this will be at tenant cost. It is also a tenant responsibility to ensure that the pool/spa is kept topped up with water, and must not empty the pool/spa without written approval from us.

Maintain pool water level - It is essential particularly in the summer months when water evaporation is at highest; to maintain the pool water level approximately half way up the skimmer box inlet. This will ensure the system functions correctly. If the water level drops below the skimmer box damage can occur to pumps etc.

Emptying skimmer baskets - Skimmer baskets should be checked at least weekly for debris. Pools that have lots of trees around them may need to have their skimmer baskets emptied daily. These baskets are located behind the skimmer door on the side of the pool, and are accessed via the plastic lid on the deck of the pool. When putting the baskets back, make sure that they are sitting properly in their place. Some baskets require a small weight or rock in them so that they don't float out of place.

Vacuuming pool - If you have an automatic vacuum cleaner for your pool, it will require emptying of rubbish and debris. If you have a suction cleaner (such as a Baracuda or Kreepy Krauly) then all that is required is to empty the skimmer basket. If you have a pressure cleaner (such as a Jet Vac or Polaris 280) then there will usually be a mesh bag attached to the cleaner. This needs to be emptied out.

If you do not have an automatic cleaner then you will need to manually vacuum the pool. This is done with manual vacuum head, hose and telescopic pole. The hose is attached to the skimmer box via an appropriate vacuum plate. Vacuuming can only be done with the pump turned on, as this provides suction. Please make sure that the hose is completely full of water, as any pockets of air in the system can damage the pool pump.

Supply of Pool Chemicals

Supplying of pool treatment chemicals will be a tenant responsibility, at tenant cost.

Pool/Spa covers, accessories, equipment and pool furniture

It is the responsibility of the tenant to maintain and keep in good condition any accessories, cleaning and maintenance equipment.

This also includes any outdoor/pool furniture supplied. Pool cleaning/equipment must be kept out of the sun and stored responsibly. Supplied pool/spa covers must be neatly rolled or folded up and stored away out of the weather when not in use to preserve its lifespan and usefulness.

Pool/Spa Fences and Gates

We must be notified immediately if fences and gates are not functioning correctly, and the gate fails to self-close promptly when opened. State pool/spa regulations must be kept at all times


Pets at the Property - Right Expectations

In the circumstances where you are permitted pets to be kept on the property, we make sure you agree to the following strict conditions:

  • To keep the yard clean and free from animal droppings
  • That, in the event of any fleas being present as a result of the animal, you will arrange flea fumigation of the property prior to vacating the premises.
  • You will repair any damage to the premises caused by the animal.
  • Other than the pet listed in the Tenancy Agreement and approved by the owner, you will not keep any other animals of any kind on the rental premises, even on a short term or temporary basis.
  • You agree that the agreement is only for the specific pets described in the Tenancy Agreement and you will not harbour, substitute or "petsit" any other pet, and you will remove any of the pet's offspring within 30 days of birth (should this occur).
  • The pet shall not cause any sort of nuisance or disturbance to neighbours. Noise day or night, must not disturb others. You agree to do whatever is necessary to keep your pet from making noise that would annoy others, and you will take steps to immediately rectify complaints made by the neighbours or other tenants.
  • If the landlord allows the tenant to keep a pet, the lease can include a carpet cleaning term.

You understand that failure to comply with these terms shall give the owner the right to revoke permission to keep the pet, and is also grounds for further action

Posted on Friday, 25 October 2019
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