8 wardrobe storage clothes hacks to maximise your closet

There's nothing more frustrating than running out of space in the closet, especially if you're tight on storage space throughout the rest of your home. To help you maximise your wardrobe, we've pulled together 8 wardrobe storage clothes hacks to inspire you.

Unless you have the luxury of having built your own home, or renovated it when you moved in, most of us are stuck with the storage space our homes (rented or owned) bestow upon us. And sometimes - often, even - those small spaces are… not ideal.

But even if you have a wardrobe that barely fits your winter trench, there are ways to maximise the space that you have, to fit more in and use the space efficiently. Here's how.

First, declutter. Yes, it sounds boringly obvious, but there's no point trying to max out the minimal space you have if that space is full of stuff you don't actually use or need. So be ruthless and send what you don't need to charity.

Second, invest in thin velvet hangers. Your clothes won't slip, and they're narrow so you'll save a heap of space.

Group like items together, both for convenience and so you can open up floor space under shorter pieces. Use this space for shoes, bags or hat boxes.

Use shelf dividers to separate stacks of clothing. This allows you to pile clothing right next to each other, not leaving a space, but you can still access items easily. A game-changer.

Add rods and rails to the back of the door - or just a pegboard - to store small hanging items like shoes, bags, scarves, belts or jewellery.

Separate items in drawers with small collapsible boxes or even old shoe boxes.

Add under-shelf racks to max space in your shelves. You can use these for small items like ties, socks or belts.

Store shoes heel-to-toe to make the most of every inch of space.

Source - Homes to love

Posted on Tuesday, 29 September 2020
by Melanie Murace in Top Tips

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