Claire Protas Social Media Coordinator

Claire brings a unique blend of creativity and expertise to her role as Social Media Coordinator at Doyle Spillane. With a strong passion for real estate and a proven background in content creation, Claire was drawn to the dynamic nature of the industry and the opportunity to create engaging social media strategies. She values Doyle Spillane’s passionate team and is excited to contribute to their shared vision.

Claire began her career in the content space after completing a Diploma in Film Production from SAE Creative Media Institute and a Bachelor’s degree in Audio Engineering, majoring in Post Production. Her journey has included roles as an Integrated Marketing Specialist, Social Media Manager, and Content Creator for a range of businesses. Most recently, she served as Social Media Manager and Content Creator for The Women’s Club, where she developed comprehensive strategies and captured event content through photography and videography. One of her career highlights includes managing social media, digital marketing, and photography for the Rose Scott Women Writers Festival, Australia’s only literary festival run by women writers.

Outside of work, Claire enjoys spending quality time with family and friends and pursuing her passion for photography and videography. On weekends, she can often be found capturing weddings, a role she finds deeply rewarding. A Northern Beaches local, her favorite spot is Newport, and she enjoys giving back to the community by volunteering at Monica’s Doggy Rescue alongside her partner.